
Timeline of Art Movements

It was mentioned to me a little while back that I often speak about the movements that works of art fall in and attempt to explain them but it is sometimes hard to figure out exactly what the chronological order of the movements is and how the progression happened. With that in mind I found a website that displays a chronological progression and is easily accessible and readable to even those who are not looking for long, convoluted and technical explanations but rather a brief overview and dates.


I have made a list, however, of the major movements and included their dates and some artists that fall into that category. If you would like more information please email me or you can utilize the site I have attached. Also, if you feel I made a mistake and want to add your two cents please comment below. I think the sharing of information is important and if my thinking is flawed I want to know the facts!


Ancient & Classical Art (15000 BC / 400 BC-200AD / 350 AD-450AD)
- Greek, Roman, Pre-Historic, Sumerian, Japanese, etc.

Medieval & Gothic Art (400 – 1200 AD)
- Manuscript Illumination
- Romanesque and Gothic Architecture (ex. Chartes Cathedral)

Early Renaissance, Italian (1200 – c.1399)
- Cimabue, Giotto, Masachio, Botticelli

Renaissance, Northern
- Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Albrect Durer, the Bruegels

Late/High Renaissance, Italian (1400 – c. 1520)
- Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian

Mannerism (c. 1520 – c. 1580)
- Andrea del Sarto, Pontormo, Parmigiano, Rosso Fiorentino, El Greco

Baroque (late 16th to early 18th century)
- Caravaggio, Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi

Rococo (18th century)
- Boucher, Fragonard

Neo-Classical (after 1765)
- Jacques-Louis David

Romanticism (late 18th century and early 19th)
- Turner, Goya, Géricault, Delacroix, Caspar David Friedrich, Henry Fuseli

Pre-Raphaelites, British (began 1848 – 1920’s)
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millias

Arts & Crafts Movement, began in Britian (1880-1910)

Realism (1830-1870)
- Gustave Courbet, Millet, Honore Daumier, Corot, Whistler, Sargeant

Impressionism (1867-1886)
- Monet, Manet, Degas, Pissaro, Renoir, Morisot

Symbolism (1885-1910)
- Gustav Klimt, Edvard Munch, Gustave Moreau

Post-Impressionism (1880-1920)
- Cezanne, van Gogh, Rodin, Modigliani, Seurat, Gaugin, Toulouse-Latrec

Art Nouveau (late 1880s)
- Klimt, Alphonse Mucha, Gaudi, Toulouse-Latrec

Expressionism (1905-1925)
- Egon Schiele, Kirchner, Marc Chagall, Edvard Munch

Fauvism (1905-1908)
- Matisse, Derain

Der Blaue Reiter (c. 1911)
- Franz Marc, Kandinsky

Cubism (1908-1919)
- Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Juan Gris, Ferdinand Leger

Dada (1916-1920s)
- Arp, Andre Breton, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Hannah Hoch, Kurt Schwitters

Futurism (c. 1909 – c. 1920’s)
- Umberto Boccioni, Severini, Calla, Balla, Marinetti

Bauhaus (1919-1930s)
- Walter Gropius, Paul Klee

Surrealism (1920-1930s)
- Dali, Magritte, Max Ernst, Miro, Duchamp, O’Keefe

Constructivism, Russian (1915-1940’s)
- Malevich, Kandinsky, Tatlin

Abstract Expressionism (1940-1960’s)
- Jackson Pollack, Mark Rothko, William de Kooning, Gorky

Pop Art (1950-1960’s)
- Warhol, Hockney, Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Lichtenstein, Jeff Koons

Minimalism (c. 1950’s – 70’s)
- Frank Stella, Ellsworth Kelly

Neo-Expressionism (c. 1980’s)
- Julian Schnabel, Anselm Kiefer

Post-Modernism (1960-present)
- Donald Judd, etc.

It is very true that every person has their own ideas about the exact dates of each of these movements. I have attempted here to give a VERY cursory overview of the progression of art movements in Western Art. Many movements are missing but I believe that is a good basic timeline and one that will help any one who is not an art historian better understand how things progressed. As you can see by the dates many movements overlapped. If you have any questions, please email me and I hope this list puts some what we have been looking at in a chronological order.


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I am a homeschool mom and I'm working on an art appreciation class/curriculum for my daughter. This post has been most helpful to me.

  2. Thanks for providing this resource, it is very clear and succinct

  3. When it says
    "Romanticism (late 18th century and early 19th)
    - Turner, Goya, Géricault, Delacroix, Caspar David Friedrich, Henry Fuseli"
    I don't think Goya is part of that because he died in 1828 isn't that the early 18th century?

    (But I don't know if their is more than one Goya so you may be talking about a different one.
    Goya, Francisco de?

    1. Goya died in 1828 which is referred to as part of the early 19th Century. You will find that though it is the 1800's, it is called the 19th Century because the first century was from 0 - 100 AD, thus making 100-200 AD the second century and so on.

      Goya was a major artist of this time and influenced many of the Romantic period artists.
